he pursuit of success, wealth, and happiness is a never-ending one. The question of how to be successful in life is one that everyone asks at some point in their life. It’s a difficult question. One that doesn’t have a clear-cut answer. What can you do to achieve your best chances to become rich in 5 years? Well, the simplest answer would be – do what you love and work hard at it. That sounds too simple, right? It is not as easy as it seems because people seldom ask themselves this question: What do I really love doing? Instead, they usually ask themselves: What am I good at doing?
The pursuit of success, wealth, and happiness is a never-ending one. The question of how to be successful in life is one that everyone asks at some point in their life. It’s a difficult question. One that doesn’t have a clear-cut answer.
What can you do to achieve your best chances to become rich in 5 years? Well, the simplest answer would be – do what you love and work hard at it. That sounds too simple, right? It is not as easy as it seems because people seldom ask themselves this question: What do I really love doing? Instead, they usually ask themselves: What am I good at doing?
What does this have to do with making money?
I’m not here to teach you about the Law of Attraction, although I do find it extremely powerful. I’m here to teach you what I’ve learned from my own experience and from those who have made millions from scratch.
When you love doing something, it does not work. It’s fun. If you’re doing something because you love it, then the chances of success are great. You can become wealthy if your passion is strong enough.
If what you love doing also makes money, then you’re doubly blessed!
So how do we know what we’re good at? How do we know what we truly love? For some people, this isn’t a difficult question to answer because they already know that they are good at something. Others have no idea.
I know what it’s like to be in that second group. I used to be there myself, but I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t matter.
The secret is to start doing what you love and work hard at it and don’t give up. It may take a while, but if you’re persistent, then your efforts will eventually pay off.
Here’s how I came to realize my dream of becoming a millionaire:
When I was growing up, my favorite pastime was playing with my Lego toys. Even as a teenager, I would spend hours building various structures with them. Then one day, an idea struck me – why not build something useful instead of just building for the fun of it?
I decided to build a Lego table with storage underneath. It took me quite some time to build, but when it was finally finished, I was extremely proud of my creation.
I showed my table off to everyone who visited my house and I made sure that I was always there to see the expressions on their faces when they saw what my Lego table looked like.
The compliments that I received from everyone made me feel really good about myself and even though it had taken me many hours to build, I knew that if I could make another one in half the time, then maybe someday I could make one for someone else and sell it for a profit.
At the time, all of this seemed like a far-fetched dream, but I knew that if I could build a table with my Lego’s in a few hours, then surely I could build something else in less time and make even more money.
I didn’t know what exactly I was going to build, but the seed was planted in my mind and it grew into a burning desire to become rich by selling things that people needed or wanted.
The next step for me was to figure out if there were other people out there who had the same desire as I did to make money. The only way to do this was to learn how other people made their money and then try to figure out how they made it.
It didn’t take me long before I realized that most rich people were entrepreneurs.
This was a word that I had never heard before, but it sounded really good to me.
I quickly looked up the definition of entrepreneur on the internet and I learned that it meant a person who starts their own business and makes money from it.
A light bulb went off in my head when I read this and all of my dreams of being rich suddenly became more real than ever before.
The only thing that was holding me back from becoming an entrepreneur was myself and the way that I thought about things.
I had always been taught that if you wanted to be successful in life, you had to go to college, get a degree, get a job with lots of money and then retire with a gold watch when you were old.
I had been so brainwashed by what I was told that I had never even thought about the possibility of being my own boss and making my own money.
The idea of being a self-employed entrepreneur was something that didn’t even occur to me until I stumbled upon it on the internet.
This was something that I knew I wanted to do, but the idea of quitting my job, leaving school, and starting a business all at once was too overwhelming for me.
I decided that I would have to take things one step at a time and start by creating an online business first before quitting my job and going full-time with an online business.
After doing some more research on the internet about how other people were able to make money online, I stumbled upon an article about affiliate marketing.
I had never heard of affiliate marketing before, but it was something that sounded interesting and I decided to do a little bit of research on it.
After reading a few articles on the subject, I quickly realized that this was something that I could do in my spare time after work and on the weekends.
I quickly realized that this would be the first step in creating my own online business and making my own money from home.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
The term “Affiliate Marketing” is used to describe a business relationship between two parties where one party, known as an “affiliate”, promotes another party’s product or service in exchange for a commission.
Affiliate Marketing is an ideal solution for a person who wants to make money on the Internet without having to create their own product or service.
The idea behind Affiliate Marketing is that you are selling another company’s product, rather than creating your own product. Therefore, you don’t have to invest in the time and money that it takes to create a product of your own. Instead, you can just promote someone else’s products and services with your affiliate link(s).
Why should I become an affiliate?
You can make money without having to create your own product. If you are not a programmer, it is easier and more cost-effective than creating your own product. You can start as a beginner with no skills and make money. You will have access to high converting affiliate links that have been proven to convert well for others. You will be able to promote products in any niche and get paid for them!
How do I sign up as an Affiliate?
Go to the website of the company from which you want to become an affiliate. In most cases, the company will offer you a “Sign Up” or “Join Now” link, which is where you would go to become an affiliate. Here are some examples of companies that offer affiliate programs:
How do I get paid as an Affiliate?
Most affiliate programs will pay you a percentage of every sale that you make. Some will pay on a per-click basis, while others will pay on a per-sale basis. You can also get paid for referrals, meaning that you get paid for every person that signs up under your affiliate link. For example, if the company pays you $100 for each sale and you refer 10 people to the company, then they would be paying you $1,000 per sale ($100 x 10 = $1,000). Some companies will even pay you a residual income from past sales (for example, if all 10 people that you refer to the company, purchase from them and then later purchase again, you will still get paid for the sale).
Final Thoughts on How Can I Be Rich in 5 Years?
How much money do I need to retire? That’s the question everyone wants to be answered. But, there’s no one answer because it can differ depending on a number of factors. Some people will live off their investments and have a set income from pensions, others may work until they’re very old and rely on savings, while others will rely on a variety of sources. There are also a lot of different scenarios that could play out in the future that would change the equation. In order to figure out how much you’ll need for retirement, you need to make some assumptions about your life expectancy, your desired lifestyle in retirement, and your investment returns. Then compute all these numbers together to come up with a system that will work for you. One way to start is by calculating your annual living expenses today and then projecting them into the future. The result is an approximation of how much living expenses in retirement might cost in today’s dollars based on inflation and how long you’ll be drawing you.
Do you want to learn more about building wealth? Check out these Best Books on Wealth Building.

Meet Maurice, a staff editor at Bigger Investing. He’s an accomplished entrepreneur who owns multiple successful websites and a thriving merch shop. When he’s not busy with work, Maurice indulges in his passion for kayaking, climbing, and his family. As a savvy investor, Maurice loves putting his money to work and seeking out new opportunities. With his expertise and passion for finance, he’s dedicated to helping readers achieve their financial goals through Bigger Investing.