10 Best Books on Blockchain

best books on blockchain

What are the best books on blockchain?

Best Books on Blockchain


1. Cryptoassets
2. Blockchain Babel
3. Digital Cash
4. The Business Blockchain
5. Blockchain Revolution
6. Digital Gold
7. Virtual Billions
8. Future Smart
9. Blockchain
10. Blockchain and the Law

1 – Cryptoassets | By Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar

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Experts in Finance Jack Tatar and Chris Burniske provide a deal for a great start to people who are looking for detailed information about the investment possibilities of bitcoin, crypto assets, and blockchain. Their manual is readable and very detailed starts with the most basic overview of bitcoin. It also tackled how digital technologies become disrupting to different industries. There will be times that the authors come across being supporters of crypto assets where they invite those who could be missing a lot on the past internet fortunes. However, their full and effective know-how of modern technology is potent. This book, Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond,  an efficient guide to those who wish to begin with this internet investment. 

Quotes from the book;

“Bitcoin lets anyone be their own bank, putting control in the hands of a grassroots movement and empowering the globally unbanked.” 

“Over time, next to zero bitcoin will be issued, but the aim is for the network to be so big by then that all contributors get paid a sufficient amount via transaction fees, just like Visa or MasterCard.” 

“Bitcoin, with a capital B, is a platform that carries upon it programmable money, known as bitcoin with a lowercase b.” 

“Each time miners add a block, they get paid in bitcoin for doing so, which is why they choose to compete in the first place.” 

“A private blockchain is typically used to expedite and make existing processes more efficient, thereby rewarding the entities that have crafted the software and maintain the computers.” 

2 – Blockchain Babel | By Igor Pejic

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Bitcoin, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies have been making a name and they are extremely popular these days. But as for tech and banking specialist Igor Pejir, these fads do not have to be feared or be excited about. Pejic has presented a clear overview to somehow lessen the hype and offer a fair analysis of the new technology’s potentials and perils. As an example, even if bitcoin has been getting tons of impressive headlines, Pejic does not see this to be a replacement for the government-issued currency nor toppling major banks. But he sees possible threats to different payment providers. Technophobes and technophiles and others will find this reading, Blockchain Babel: The Crypto Craze and the Challenge to Business,  interesting and useful. 

Quotes from the book;

“For many bankers, the blockchain evokes more fear than enthusiasm, as they see it first and foremost as an assault on their dominance of an industry.”

“New customer pools will be tapped, namely all those potential customers who are currently not deemed sufficiently profitable.” 

“The financial crisis of 2008 gave rise to enormous anti-banking sentiment amongst the general public.”

“Blockchain fintechs will most probably compete with stripped down functionalities for free, in the same ways digital banks are doing today.” 

“Money transfer services (or wire transmittance services) such as Western Union are running the largest risk of obsolescence.” 

3 – Digital Cash | By Finn Brunton

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For many people, cryptocurrency is just a recent notion being known in society. However, professor Finn Brunton has recently released his study which states that bitcoin is actually an outcome of deep technological developments and progress which is interrelated to economics. In Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency, he gives the readers a thorough journey to various efforts from the time of the Great Depression to introduce alternate currencies. He has laid out the dystopian and utopian visions which have controlled the usually overlooked part of the economy. His interesting narrative will amaze people who are interested in knowing more about the past and even the future of money.

Quotes from the book;

“Paper money carries populations of skin flora hand to hand across the world like cargo ships discharging ballast water in foreign ports.” 

“Prices are a form of information. They signal subjective needs, desires, circumstances and expectations of the future in the form of what buyers are willing to pay.” 

“Creating truly autonomous digital cash meant solving three fundamental problems: coordination, duplication and adoption.” 

“Credit systems, from bills of lading to banknotes from a local institution, were networks of regional social trust and acquired experience.” 

“Electronic money could serve as a control apparatus for making the marketplace into a rapid response system for the police, a location log, and a Skinner box for rewarding and denying citizens into doing what corporations or governments wanted.” 

4 – The Business Blockchain | By William Mougayar

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William Mougayar, a technologist, believes that blockchain is the next killer app in the world of technology. In his study of the potentials in blockchain, he states an outline where blockchain will effortlessly improve banking relations, medical records storage and issuance of passports but will be done through a secure and safe procedure. Mougayar has acknowledged the huge hype that blockchain has been receiving and has also detailed the challenges that might occur in the blockchain world. The possible challenges seen are that software developers do not yet accept blockchain, investors appear to be unimpressed and that regulators are still puzzled with it. Mougayar still claims that blockchain will release a big and world-changing innovation. His study, The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology, predicts that it is the financial industry that will first feel the effects and benefits of blockchain. 

Quotes from the book;

“Blockchain technology will permeate our economy, creating new players, threatening others, and forcing change on incumbent organizations that want to survive.”

“Decentralized apps are not for everything, and not everything fits a decentralized app paradigm. However, there are a lot of applications that do fit the blockchain distributed paradigm, and that presents a good amount of opportunities for developers, creators, and visionaries.”

“One could argue that the cryptocurrency networks (enabled by blockchains) are going to be more important than the currency itself.”

“The blockchain enables a new flow of value, enabling the emergence of a global crypto economy, and creating large market opportunities where value is exchanged between the cryptospace and physical spaces.”

“Blockchains are not just for the enterprise. They also enable decentralization and ultimately, the creation of a new cryptoeconomy, similar to the web economy.”

5 – Blockchain Revolution | By Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott

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Blockchain experts Alex Tapscott and Don Tapscott have released a guide that explains the possibilities of this developing technology. The two see blockchain to be a possible world-changer even if their enthusiasm is seen to be unbelievable. Their guide, Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World, is noticeable when it states how blockchain can affect people. It documents the expensive ways of sending money to people overseas by immigrants and shows the graft-free way of using blockchain as an alternative. The authors of the guide cheer on blockchain but still acknowledge the possible problems and privacy threats. This is a good guide to investors and even policymakers who seek to gain more knowledge about new technology. 

Quotes from the book;

“Overall, the Internet has enabled many positive changes – for those with access to it – but it has serious limitations for business and economic activity.”

“Blockchain can improve client service, increase efficiency and improve outcomes while enabling both integrity and transparency of government.”

“Peer producers are the thousands of dispersed volunteers who brought you open source software and Wikipedia, innovative projects that outperform those of the largest and best-financed enterprises.”

“For the average person living in the developed world to have a reliable store of value and a way to conduct business beyond his community, all he needs now is an Internet-enabled device.”

“Imagine a new era of the Internet where your personal avatar manages and protects the contents of your black box.”

6 – Digital Gold | By Nathaniel Popper

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Nathaniel Popper, a New York Times reporter releases an interesting and useful history behind the concept of bitcoin. This is an entirely electronic currency but is totally intriguing. The story is packed with pseudonyms, selfless dedication, criminal activities, international travel, breakthroughs in technology and money. Bitcoin started out with just an idea and then put it into reality after a few years. In fact, its progress merely happened in underreported groups such as chat rooms and libertarian groups. Popper has stated this complicated story with grace and simplicity. This book, Digital Gold: Bitcoin and the Inside Story of the Misfits and Millionaires Trying to Reinvent Money, is recommended to those who are intrigued by this modern electronic currency, international finance, cybercrime, cyberculture, and even the alternative cultures. 

Quotes from the book;

“A virtual currency that rose above national borders fitted right in with an industry that saw itself as destined to change the face of everyday life.”

“Thanks to Silk Road, Bitcoin was being regularly used for the first time as a medium of exchange for real, if illegal, things.”

“The unmistakable irony of these wild days was that a technology that had been designed, in no small part, to circumvent government power was now becoming largely driven by and dependent on the attitudes of government officials.”

“At the same time that Bitcoin’s reputation was getting a makeover in Silicon Valley, the physical infrastructure of the Bitcoin network was also undergoing an extensive transformation.”

“But while the Bitcoin software itself was working well, new users quickly ran up against the limitations of the Bitcoin ecosystem.”

7 – Virtual Billions | By Eric Geissinger

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Bitcoin is a modern payment system that runs online. It records transactions using bitcoins and not in the form of dollars or other currency. It is known as cryptocurrency and it functions similar to encrypted electronic mail messages where only the receiver of the message can decipher. Bitcoin is just similar to cash. It can be used to buy, save, or spent. With this overview, Eric Geissinger states that even if bitcoin receives negative publicity, it can still be a possible fixture in the financial world. This reading piece, Virtual Billions: The Genius, the Drug Lord, and the Ivy League Twins behind the Rise of Bitcoin,  can take its readers to the history of the pensions and tries to formulate communal currency systems. This is for investors, entrepreneurs, bankers and those who want a detailed overview of cryptocurrency. 

Quotes from the book;

“Bitcoin flourished despite [a] lack of institutional support of any kind, its value unstable, though trending ever-upward.”

“Anything done on the Dark Web can’t be traced to a geographic location, even a country, much less a specific computer.”

“Bitcoin is based upon a public ledger, recording all bitcoin transactions ever made from the first to the last.”

“While bitcoin theft is a real concern, widely publicized bitcoin losses educate the public more than they generate panic.”

“A bitcoin wallet can be thought of as a simplistic email program, sending bitcoins instead of messages.”

8 – Future Smart | By James Canton

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James Canton, a global futurist and also called the digital guru by CNN gives emphasis on the role of improvement in driving fundamental, growth in exponential future and change. This huge transformation is not just about economy or technology but more about deep civilization progress. Canton’s book, Future Smart: Managing the Game-Changing Trends That Will Transform Your World,  will keep your thinking puzzled. It is filled with vivid snapshot speculations on the future of the world and beyond. The author does a great job in quick preconceptions though he sometimes uses jargon. He remains optimistic but his concerns regarding the ethical and existent confusions in radical change still occurs in his statements.

Quotes from the book;

“Eight billion minds will define the future of the Connected Planet – across borders, cultures, markets and networks.”

“Technology is waking up, becoming aware, turning into us to figure out what we want and then how to evolve to help us get it – minute to minute, day to day, challenge to challenge.”

“As computers surpass humans in certain domains of intelligence or just capability, a new cybernetic species and a new culture will evolve that exists parallel to humanity.”

“The future Einsteins, Picassos and da Vincis…will bring science, joy, beauty and love into our world.”

“If you want a peaceful world for our children and grandchildren, then investing in technology futures is one of the best ways to ensure…a better, more equitable and more productive world.”

9 – Blockchain | By Joseph Bambara, Paul Allen, et. al.

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This comprehensive resource is written by a team of experts in the field of technology and legal. This discusses every topic using a start-to-finish and well-illustrated case study. The book, Blockchain: A Practical Guide to Developing Business, Law, and Technology Solutions,  contains financial, governance, technology, and legal cases together with the pros and problems that might occur. It also covers topics like implementation, validation, troubleshooting, and ideal practices. It will teach the readers the steps on how to create and maintain dependable and reliable blockchain solutions. It will also give details on how to overcome technical problems while securing the decentralized IT policy. Moreover, the book will show how blockchain is being used in cryptocurrencies like ethereum and bitcoin. 

Quotes from the book;

“Blockchain technology is robust like the Internet, but unlike the web2 Internet of today, it stores identical blocks of information across its network.”

“Today’s Internet has security problems that are familiar to everyone. We all rely on username and password credentials to access our assets online. Blockchain uses encryption technology to improve security.”

“Simply put, a blockchain is a database encompassing a physical chain of fixed-length blocks that include 1 to N transactions, where each transaction added to a new block is validated and then inserted into the block.”

“A fully private blockchain is a blockchain where write permissions are kept centralized to one organization.”

10 – Blockchain and the Law | By Primavera De Filippi

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Bitcoin is considered as the internet marvel and is said to be the chosen transaction mode for criminals. This is why people with no computer science knowledge more puzzled and confused. The technology blockchain can help in removing all the confusion. This is a tool that creates secure, decentralized and peer-to-peer applications. This is used to produce smart contracts to speed up payments, have financial instruments, keep the exchange of data and information organized and simplify interactions happening between machines and humans. This book, Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code,  provides clear ideas stating that technology cannot be productively harnessed without the use of new rules and methods to the legal concept. 

Quotes from the book;

“In just a few years, the reach of blockchains has rapidly expanded beyond payments and financial products, helping to support new, autonomous systems that structure social and economic interactions with less of a need for intermediaries.”

“Blockchains are further helping to crack open the flow of information, powering new peer-to-peer file-sharing applications, decentralized communication platforms, and social networks, which rely on the tamper-resistant and resilient nature of a blockchain, and other peer-to-peer networks, to disseminate copyright-protected, inflammatory, and indecent material.”

“As the technology further matures, blockchains could accelerate a structural shift of power from legal rules and regulations administered by government authorities to code-based rules and protocols governed by decentralized blockchain-based networks.”

“At their core, blockchains are decentralized databases, maintained by a distributed network of computers. They blend together a variety of different technologies, including peer-to-peer networks, public-private key cryptography, and consensus mechanisms-to create a novel type of database.”


Final Thoughts on the Best Books on Blockchain

This article was an attempt to consolidate the best books on blockchain. Obviously, the list is not an exhaustive list of every book on the subject. However, the ‘best books on blockchain’ list attempt to orchestrate different angles and degrees on blockchain.

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o banks buy gold coins? This is a question that has been asked by many people in the past. There are a few reasons why banks might want to buy gold coins. The most common reason is to store the gold in a safe place. Another reason for banks to buy...

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How Do You Convert Gold Into Cash?

How Do You Convert Gold Into Cash?

ith so many people now living in economic climates where money is tight, it's important to have a way of converting gold into cash. This guide will show you how to do just that. You'll learn about the different ways to turn gold into cash, and how...

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How Can I Get 10X Growth?

How Can I Get 10X Growth?

hese days, many businesses are facing the same challenge: how can I double, grow at 10X, or even 100X? We’ve all been there. But how do you create your 10X growth? You’ll probably just start with a few extra dollars in your bank account, a few...

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